Church of England National Safeguarding Team (NST) Leader Alex Kubeyinje Wages War on Survivors of Church Abuse in a shocking new report GS Misc 1335 NST update (1) to Synod. The attack has led to suicidal ideation in victims of Church abuse leaving many affected by the almost four page report that has accused survivors of being abusers and the NST as victims. A huge insult to survivors of abuse.

Alexander Kubeyinje, New National Director of Safeguarding authored a very short report for the General Synod February 2023. He turns Survivors of Church abuse into Abusers in his 4 page rant report. It is not something one would expect from such a senior person or as a Synod masterpiece in his first major role. It is something one would expect from a secondary school beginner due to its lack of any real substance or care for anyone but his staff. It was brief but in that short report one thing stands out… it was meant to cause harm. Bishop Gibbs keeps picking out the smallest sentence to deploy his tactical play in an attempt to water down the shocking report that is very embarassing for the Church.
Alex clearly wanted to incite hatred towards a small number of survivors of abuse who are very public about their experiences, me included. He wanted to incite hatred and single out those he sees as a threat based on the facts they make public? In short he aimed to SHUT US UP and silence us? Its a form of bullying. His innuendos are dangerous.
Survivors of church abuse clearly fall very low on Alexander Kubeyinje agenda. Reports are coming in of survivors reactions including more than one who has contemplated ending it all including me. This is the result of Alex and Zenas labour they call safeguarding. That report was intended to harm and I do not believe for one minute that either of them will care if any of us took our lives especially after what they have done to me knowing im very ill physically. They have no bounderies. Someone in that position will know writing something like that will cause harm.
A survivors story. Suicidal after the NST leaders report
Kubeyinje manipulates the NST crisis and turns his staff into victims and survivors into horrific abusers. He spares no one who has upset his teams by either exposing them or reacted to them.
He shows no care or mercy for the survivors or their families nor their wellbeing but prioritises staffs’ families which probably includes his own as it may be possible, they tweet search his name and see survivors including me expose his failures.
Is it possible he sees the report as a means to ‘pay back’ survivors who have hurt his, his teams and family’s feelings?
The report starts with a brief introduction and goes straight into a rant about the alleged and not proven horrific abuse of staff. Horrific? He also makes accusations of harassment which in short is his word meddling for EXPOSURE. There is a difference.
Horrific is extreme and overexaggerated by the new leader because his intention was to make an impact and turn the tables on survivors.
The Church of England, NST and ISS caused all the problems from their own personal and professional failures along with their personal dislikes and vendeattas against survivors they don’t like…. survivors reacted to the consenquences of that toxic and dangerous behaviour his team rained down on survivors. Employees who were not trained for the jobs in hand. It was their failures that led to survivors reacting the way they did and still do.
STOP blaming survivors Alex. You waltz in 6 months ago and think you know it all and you DONT know anything. You only know what they tell you. Thats 100% clear in my SARS that you now ignore.
I was unable to confirm any arrests or convictions for such horrific abuse rained down on staff and so horrific it would be sufficient to expect a full criminal investigation and arrests made. None I am aware of.
The new leader Mr Kubeyinje made legal threats & intimidated survivor of TRULY HORRIFIC and proven abuse, me, Teresa Cooper for tweeting what HIS team were doing to me. Now that situation is in itself HORRIFIC abuse? Given the consequences of his actions should I use that term HORRIFIC to reference what he has done to me and at Christmas? It was a clear abuse of positions and trust which led to serious health injuries caused by his staff and by him. That appears to be acceptable to the church defender.
After a SARs request I discovered the unthinkable… they not only rigged the accounts to make it look like I received more funding than I did, they even emailed church people I have never heard of stating I had over 100K support which is blatantly untrue, and we are talking tens of thousands they also rigged on the invoice situation to prevent support. That deliberate prevention and their constant onslaught to prevent support led to severe health complications. Then there was the rigging of the invoices to also prevent me getting support.
I reported it to Alex after his threats and intimidation letter and his further ill thought out emails where he blatantly lies and regurgitates for his team. When provided with the evidence from my SARs which they clearly didn’t know I had, he now plays the silent abuse games. Typical ex Social Services combined with abusive Church tactics. He hasn’t even acknowledged what he should officially acknowledge. He is not on the side of survivors. Quite the opposite. He sees me as a sparing partner in a boxing ring. A woman to target because I wont shut up. He knows how ill I am and that doesnt even stop him or his teams. All of them against one female survivor home alone. What sort of people are the church employing? They clearly like you vulnberable so they can do more harm to shut you up. Its a form of control. They use that ISS scheme like domestic violence purps use on their victims. The ISS employees misuse that money to hurt survivors who they dont like or don’t comply. We are all married to our abusers. We are made to relive it through their damaging behaviour. Re-traumatised and its a consistent onslaught against individual survivors.
Alex doesnt see what the church and its employees have done to me for 4 decades and counting. He doesnt even see me as a person.. Alex only sees me as someone he wants to take down on behalf of himself and his dangerous team. I am the target practice all from behind the scenes where they operate like school bullies hiding behind the playground shed waiting to attack their victim as one walks past. Bullies never have one victim. Its normally quite a few and thats now evident since his report. We are the victims a;ll over again. Its on repeat. The cruelty of the NST towards survivors especially those they don’t like can’t be measured its so bad.
He called my exposure of that very abusive gaslighting and deliberate harm…. ‘harassment’ when it is called Exposing his team’s failures. No threatening tweets at all. Just naming them based on documents sent to me by the Church own data Sars team with my experiences and thoughts shared.
The only reason he used the term harassment is another attempt to silence me, survivor Teresa Cooper for fear of his teams failures being exposed.
It is a classic move often used in coverups.
They done wrong and he wants to play the victim card so his staff get away with it.
What does NOT help is Martin Sewell (Rochester diocese Synod member who Kendall House was under) retired lawyer.
One thing is for sure… He and Alex have common grounds… they both dislike me and would like to see me fall or take me down.
I am pretty sure Alex did intend to harm survivors with his report contrary to Sewells defending of the NST leader who he claims is a nice man.
What nice man does that to survivors? They DONT.
A wolf in sheeps clothing springs to mind and Mr Sewell isnt known for being the best judge of character eh! I do believe Alex not only intended harm but didn’t care what harm he done. He was angry as were his tream and advisors.
That’s now 3 survivors he has driven to suicidal thoughts me included. I had to leave Twitter to get my head together because ALEX and his team and advisors are very very dangerous. They even stalk my twitter and screen cap everything.
I can suggest there is no way the New leader will care at all about any survivor taking their own life because he knew he was dealing with the most vulnerable when he wrote that report. He would or should have known the impact it would have especially given his CV so he knew exactly what he was doing. It was a calculated risk he took with survivors lives in order to protect the very employees who have made our lives hell over a long period of time. Sustained toxic behaviour towards us. He is now continuing that further abuse and misuse of his position and trust.
None of them have shown any care at all about my life and the rare disease the church created and clearly not other survivors either. He tried to drive me over the edge and that was no accident. His team lied. Their lies and misleading others in the church is well documented in my SARs. Alex blatantly turned a blind to it because it doesnt suit his narrative. His narrative is to attack survivors and protect his new found church mates.
He is paid to do a job and he is doing it well… protecting the Church of England and the NST.
The report lacks anything of substance and is just a four page ill thought out and ill-advised polite rant aimed at any survivors who dare speak up about his failing teams. It is also noted his care for Zena Marshall who has accusations against her for her failures to protect, intimidation and threats that also caused severe harm.
Protect your mates is the only thing that leapt out from that report and assassinate the survivors who are open about their experiences that Alex doesn’t want the world to know.
The ISB is now in a dilemma with Maggie once again in the spotlight for yet another data breach. My SARs shows so many data breaches I lost count.
They are all so dysfunctional and those employees cant separate their hatred towards individuals and its clearly a serious problem.
Report them to the Charity Commission and ICO
Calls for Alex to Resign is appropriate or sack him.
He is not the right man for the job and driving survivors to suicide is not an improvement to the NST nor at a time for Synod
Bishop Gibbs had to find the smallest paragraph in that report for the media response ….. highly embarassing for him and the church of England. Bishops would be crawling under the ‘hide me’ stone after reading that especially at such a sensitve time for the church who are embroiled in one scandal after another.
Oddly enough the Archbishop can find many millions for everything else but not when it comes to supporting survivors. They must really hate us?
The Church of England Synod is turning a blind eye once again on safeguarding and child abuse
The church will never change
Synod will dedicate five minutes to his cause on the 9th. ISB don’t get a look in nor us survivors. ISB are not on our side. I contacted them an hit a brick wall. Didnt get past form filling. The ISS… got £1000 so not the £20000 ahead they claim. Took months. Horrible humiliation. Well done for speaking up.. Teresa they dont like you because they cant control or silence you. Thats why they done horrific things to you from that scheme. Pay back. They use your health and financial need for medical stuff to control bully reabuse you. Nutters. Yeah they wanted to hurt you. Its obvious to everyone. Men like him hate being caught out. He doesnt tell synod what they do to us. They dont care. Theres other survivors he made suicidal. We are not alone. Dont give up lass. Your worth more than 100 of them. Get back on Twitter.
Kubi must resign or be sacked. He is unfit for that job. A charlatan. Bishop Gibbs defending that report. He has set the NST back decades. That one before him was bad but he is worse. Gibbs made a mess to. How did he get promoted to Rochester? The more they do bad to us the higher they rise. Synod today. I felt so much anger.
Men like him hate being caught out. He doesnt tell synod what they do to us. They dont care.