Survivor Teresa Cooper re-traumatised by church non- support scheme. My health has deteriorated rapidly as a direct result of the Church of England Interim Support Scheme and the toxic way they have handled my case.
The Church created a new and very ugly rare life threatening disease from the misuse of drugs for profit forced on me as a child at Kendall House. I was mass overdosed with several drugs at the same time – over a staggering 1200 times, sexually, physically and mentally abused and locked in a tiny room for over 163 days.
I feel re-abused and so traumatised that for my own safety I must not have anymore to do with these very dangerous church people running that scheme. Practising Christians?
It has been my worst nightmare and they have ruined my life ten fold in the space of 12 months.
Kendall House abuse was not enough abuse to suffer and 40 years later they got the boot in.
They have destroyed my health so fast and continued to date. They even drove me to want to commit suicide and that didn’t stop them either.
Supportive? Not even remotely. They to me are as bad as Kendall House staff.
I feel they want me dead because its cheaper than compensating me. What support they have given has been very toxic trying to get it and they went out of their way to waste months of my life knowing how ill I am. The shocking and sickening control, misuse of power and positions is very worrying.
No one should have to go through that hell.
Anyone who is willing to do that to someone who is very ill.. you need to ask…. Can they be trusted with anyones life?
They make me feel I must bow down to them. I am so needy and greedy for needing mobility support for a disease the church of England created for profit. They have all the medical evidence and still they force me to justify mobility support. It is morally and ethically disturbing and wrong on all levels. They even have letters from Drs and Therapist stating they are causing me further physical and mental harm and that doesn’t stop them.
They seem to forget it is a LOAN not a gift from the church as seen in the acceptance contract.
We all have to pay it back via the main scheme if we live long enough to see that day arrive. The church scheme bosses are dragging it out and some survivors will probably die waiting if they arent driven to death in the meantime. The church of England aren’t satisfied with survivors suicides and a vicar who took his own life. They never learn nor do they care.
Archbishops council and the Ecclesiastical insurers along with Archbishop Justin Welby should hang their heads in total shame but they don’t because they are void of humanity and human emotions. We mean nothing to them.
Safeguarding is NON existent and the only people the scheme safeguards is itself. Mental Health awareness is also non existent and they have broken all the MH guidelines in their battle against me.
Zena Marshall
Simon Stanley
Dr. Siu Hei Alvin Lee (anon support email responder)
Secretary and Adviser to the Interim Support Scheme Panel
Projects Officer to the National Redress Scheme
National Safeguarding Team
“Survivor Teresa Cooper re-traumatised by church non- support scheme. My health has deteriorated rapidly as a direct result of the Church of England Interim Support Scheme and the toxic way they have handled my case.”
This is the exactly the same experience I have had with the Interim Support Scheme/National Safeguarding Team. The way I have been treated by the people named by Teresa Cooper above can only be described as sadistic, cruel and wicked. I know others feel the same.
Hello Graham
I have experienced this. I tried to commit suicide 🙁 The safeguarding team ignored me after the scheme pushed me to the edge. The same names involved. I am a calm and quiet woman. Three months into the scheme and I ended up a total mess. They turn nice people into angry souls. Pure evil. The very little support they finally gave me wasn’t worth the suffering to get it. If people want to end up back abused that scheme is the way to go. What Teresa has experienced is not an isolated incident. I know others via an org going through the same thing. They are scared to say anything.
Why is that Bishop still in charge?